Environmental Divers
Environmental Divers These divers always strive to leave no trace. Environmental divers are conscientious of their environment and will always strive to leave no trace. This means a diver will make it his or her business not to leave trash behind and, in fact, pick up other trash found. Once in the water, divers will practice neutral buoyancy, body awareness, and will make it their business not to disturb our precious reefs and the lives of its inhabitants. Responsible divers are environmentally conscious on every dive. This means they are...
read moreCape Hatteras, NC Dives
Cape Hatteras, North Carolina Last week we headed down to Cape Hatteras for a weekend of wreck diving in tropical conditions. It was a long drive, but the four dives were worth every minute of time stuck in traffic. We left Northern Virginia around 3:00 PM on Friday afternoon, frolicked in summer traffic on I-95 for a few hours, and finally made it our little beachside motel at 10:30 PM. Up at 6:00 AM for breakfast and at the dive boat, ready to go, by 7:20 AM. For those of you that aren’t aware, the Gulf Stream is warm water that comes...
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Hotel Dive This was taken at the Radisson Blue Hotel in Berlin, Germany. Flickr...
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Phantom Springs Cave Exploration Deep in the desert of West Texas lies Phantom Springs cave. Exploration divers have hit a record depth of 462ft/140.8m making it the deepest natural underwater cave system in the United States! This is a closed site and only those with a scientific permit are permitted to dive. The team set up sediment traps, collected water quality data, surveyed over 8000ft of the cave, and shot hours of high definition video and stills both topside and underwater. The site is a biological preserve set aside for the...
read moreOne Ocean One Breath
One Ocean One Breath a freediving collaboration between dual record holders eusebio and christina saenz de santamaria “We use freediving as a means for exploration and adventure, to discover abstract worlds, new perspectives and to push the boundaries of our bodies and minds. Our freediving photography and videography is an expression of our underwater experiences and a way to share our underwater world with others.” Christina Saenz de Santamaria has been practising in the stunning cenote caves of Mexico’s Yucatan...
read moreSpring has sprung
Spring Has Sprung! Spring is here and summer is not far behind. It’s time to start checking out your gear and making sure everything is ready for the diving season – and for those all year divers, making sure your lighter exposure suits are ready! It’s also a great time to contact Semper DIVE! about refresher classes and specialty classes. We have an Advanced Open Water class the weekend of 4-5 May and in late May to early June we’ll be running lots of Discover Diving opportunities and rostering students for Open Water Diver...
read moreBeta, beta and more beta…
Beta, beta and more beta… After months of work, worry, frustration, and do-overs, Semper DIVE!‘s website is finally in the Beta Test phase.We sent out site info to a small group of divers and friends with various backgrounds and expertise for them to critique. Now we wait… tweak a few things… wait some more… and see what they all have to say. From there, we make any important changes they identify and we officially announce our website to the world! I can’t wait! Semper DIVE! ...
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FreeDiving with Dolphins Freedive record holders Eusebio and Christina Saenz de Santamaria freediving with a pod of over 60 incredible Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins in Kealakekua Bay on the Big Island of Hawaii. OneOceanOneBreath Freedivers: Christina & Eusebio Saenz de Santamaria Filmed by: Christina & Eusebio...
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