Semper DIVE! Blog – SemDIVE!

Lifelong Learning

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Lifelong Learning

I’ve often heard the question asked, “Why should I take a specialty or continuing education class?” There are many answers to that question and I’ll bet at least one can be applied to any diver. Here are three: It may not be good form to answer a question with a question, but… why not? Why not take a course that focuses on a different aspect of diving than you’re used to. Why not try something new? Why not explore and expand your horizons? No diver knows everything. Even the most experienced instructors can learn something new. Frankly,...

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Huck Finn & SCUBA?

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Huck Finn & SCUBA?

Huckleberry Finn & SCUBA Diving? Admit it.  You read Huckleberry Finn as a child, and students are still reading it today. While the literary themes and styling have not changed, in recent times some of the underlying themes seem to draw much of the attention away from the literary value. That said, it is certainly not my place as a SCUBA instructor to weigh in regarding either the art of literature or the themes presented directly or indirectly. But, when two students from La Costa Canyon (LCC) High School, in our new community of...

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Burkifornia – Day 9

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Burkifornia – Day 9

Burkifornia ’16 – Day 9 Today was our last day on Route 66. We slept late, got an early lunch and left Barstow, CA for Santa Monica Pier. It was already pretty warm out when we packed the car and we were excited to see what the road had in store for us. We didn’t find much to see in Barstow or the surrounding areas, but once we got to the Los Angeles area that all changed. As we drove south on Route 66 / Figueroa Ave we rolled down the windows to find much cooler air and took in all the hustle and bustle. We got a little turned...

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Burkifornia – Day 8

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Burkifornia – Day 8

Burkifornia ’16 – Day 8 Memorial Day 2016 – Burkifornia ’16. We woke without our alarms and started the day slowly. It was pretty warm in Kingman, AZ, unlike the cool mornings we’ve had along the way. Unable to find any Memorial Day events locally, we chose to pack the car and get on the road. We cruised slowly down the main drag, which was Route 66, stopped at the Kingman Visitor’s Center for some knick knacks and gifts, then headed out 28 miles to Oatman, AZ. There is only one road to Oatman – Route 66! The First 20+ miles...

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Burkifornia – Day 7

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Burkifornia – Day 7

Burkifornia ’16 – Day 7 This morning we got up early, grabbed breakfast at Denny’s and left Holbrook, AZ – one of many towns we’ve seen that embraces the history of Route 66, “The Mother Road.” We were heading off Route 66 for an excursion to the Grand Canyon. After all, how could we travel this far across country and not see it? We had to pass through Winslow, AZ to get to the Grand Canyon so we decided to make a stop to see the Meteor Crater. We stopped… then left without seeing a thing. “Why?” you ask. I’ll tell you: No Dogs...

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Burkifornia – Day 6

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Burkifornia – Day 6

Burkifornia ’16 – Day 6 This morning we were up early and running to the Sandia Peak Tramway for a ride up and down and a stay at the peak long enough to take in the incredible view! It was a little chilly at the top – something we forgot to plan for. We were back at the hotel by 11:00 AM to pick up our fuzzy friend and get on the road to our next stop. Our original plan had us heading to Flagstaff, AZ, but about 30 minutes into the trip we decided to just go to Holbrook, AZ. That would allow us more time for stops without keeping...

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Burkifornia – Day 5

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Burkifornia – Day 5

Burkifornia ’16 – Day 5 Today started out slower and later than usual as we decided to hang out in Amarillo and see the town. That, and all the driving catches up and we just wanted some extra sleep. Our adventures took us first to a familiar haunt that offered us a new twist. That would be Starbucks for breakfast. Nothing special there – just tasty and reliable. For many of you the new twist may not be so new, but it was to us. They offered us a free “Puppicino” for our dog. It’s basically a shot glass sized plastic cup with...

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Burkifornia – Day 4

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Burkifornia – Day 4

Burkifornia ’16 – Day 4 Today started earlier than the previous days as my co-pilot was eager to get on the road. She wanted to reach Amarillo, TX today so we could spend some extra time there. So, it was wake, walk the dog, feed the dog, gas up, get breakfast and get moving! Now that the sun was up we got to see a little more of Afton, OK. Let me tell you what we saw… Okay, I’m done. There is absolutely nothing there except a truck stop, motel, and café. The people that work at those places were very nice and must live somewhere,...

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