BIG News!
Since December we’ve been hinting in our newsletters and social media about a BIG announcement. Well, we’re ready to let you in on our secret! It’s really BIG news. The type of news that will bring major changes to Semper DIVE!®… No, we’re not changing our beliefs or vision. We’ll always cater to young divers, to Scouts, support wounded warrior programs, and encourage safe and environmentally aware divers. So, what is this BIG news, you ask?
Semper DIVE!® is moving closer to the ocean! That’s right… Semper DIVE!® is moving west – to San Diego, California – where we’ll have daily access to the Pacific ocean – the ocean from which we draw much of the inspiration for our logo. No more quarries for our students, it’s going to be right from the pool to the ocean! Our students will be introduced to kelp forests, sea lions, reef sharks and lots of other sea life, from their first open water dives!
As excited as we are to be able to offer our classes in the open water, from sandy beaches under blue skies, the move is not without some sadness. We will truly miss all of our loyal customers and supporters here in the northern Virginia area. If it wasn’t for YOU, we could not have had the opportunities we’ve had in the last few years. Many of you have repeatedly chosen Semper DIVE!® as your source for SCUBA instruction, trusted us to refer your friends and family to, obtained your personal SCUBA gear from us, and called us when you needed advice or opinions on dive spots, continuing education and other things. We truly will miss every one of you, and hope that you will continue to follow us.
We’ll never forget our Northern Virginia/National Capitol Area customers. Before we go, it’s important that you all know how IMPORTANT you are to us and how much we deeply appreciate your patronage and support since we opened our doors in 2012. YOU formed the foundation from which we’ve been able to grow and we’ll always be humbled by your loyalty to us. We’ll always be available to you by phone, email, social media and the web!
We know how hard it can be to find a new dive shop once you have a favorite. So, when we send out or email announcement, we’ll provide contact information for one of our favorite NoVA dives shops. So, watch your email!
To make our move a little more fun, we plan to blog from the road. So, keep your eyes on our site beginning on May 22. Well be posting travel blogs from the time we depart until we get our first glimpse of the crisp, blue Pacific!
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If you ever get out to Southern California, look us up and we’ll go make some bubbles!